The purpose and role of the Pastoral Council is to serve as a collaborative and consultative body, by serving in an advisory capacity to the Pastor, for the life and mission of the Church and to work jointly to build the parish as a living Christian community.
The primary responsibility of the Pastoral Council is to guide the direction of the parish by providing leadership, leading pastoral planning, initiating and directing policies which flow out of the parish's mission.
Our Lady of Loretto's Pastoral Council meets the first Thursday of the month in the Rectory at 7:00pm.
Rosa Rodriguez:
Rosa directs our spanish choir and has been a parisioner since 2009.
Kelly Finnegan:
Kelly is mother to one OLL student and two OLL alumni, both of whom now study at Marin Catholic. She has been a parishioner since 2011.
Alma Pech:
Alma is currently the head sacristan for all of the hispanic Masses and is a past head of the Directiva. She has been a parishioner since 2000.
Jennifer Troia:
Jennifer is mother to one OLL student and two OLL alumni, one of whom studies at Marin Catholic and the other at Sonoma State. She is a lector and has been a parishioner since 2002.
Armando Ordoñez:
Armando is a lector and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. He leads the Jovenes Para Christo ministry group and has been a parishioner since 2010
Mark Wilson:
Mark is a member of OLL Class of 2008, Marin Catholic Class of 2012. He networks with other Catholic young adults around the Bay Area and has been a parishioner since 1999.
Carlo Tarantino:
Carlo is father to one OLL alumn, currently studying at Marin Catholic and one OLL 6th grader! A product of Archdiocese of San Francisco schools himself, Carlo holds his BS in Biological Sciences from UC Davis, MS in Physiology from Georgetown and MD from George Washington University. His Internal Medicine internship was through UCLA. Carlo and his family have been parishioners since 2012.
Jim Baird:
Jim has served on both the OLL Parish Finance Council and the School Board. Before Covid, Jim sang with the choir. He holds a MA in Education from USF and has been an OLL Parishioner since 2007.